Source code for geolink_formatter.entity

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime

class Msg(object):

    invalid_argument = 'Invalid argument "{arg}": expected "{expected}", got "{got}"'
    """str: Message for invalid argument type."""

[docs]class Document(object): def __init__(self, files, id=None, category=None, doctype=None, federal_level=None, authority=None, authority_url=None, title=None, number=None, abbreviation=None, instance=None, type=None, subtype=None, decree_date=None, enactment_date=None, abrogation_date=None, cycle=None, municipality=None, index=None): """Creates a new document instance. Args: files (list[geolink_formatter.entity.File]): The files contained by the document. id (str): The document identifier. category (str): The document category. doctype (str): The internal type of the document. federal_level (str): The federal level of the document. authority (str): The name of the authority responsible for the document. authority_url (str): The URL of the authority's website. title (str): The document title. number (str): The document number. abbreviation (str): The document abbreviation. instance (str): The document's instance. type (str): The official type of the document. subtype (str): The subtype of the document. decree_date ( The date of decree. enactment_date ( The date of enactment. abrogation_date ( The date of abrogation. cycle (str): The document cycle. municipality (str): The municipality concerned by this document. index (int): The document's index for sorting. Raises: TypeError: Raised on missing argument or invalid argument type. ValueError: Raised on invalid argument value. """ if not isinstance(files, list): raise TypeError(Msg.invalid_argument.format( arg='files', expected=list, got=files.__class__ )) if decree_date and not isinstance(decree_date, raise TypeError(Msg.invalid_argument.format( arg='decree_date',, got=decree_date.__class__ )) if enactment_date and not isinstance(enactment_date, raise TypeError(Msg.invalid_argument.format( arg='enactment_date',, got=enactment_date.__class__ )) if abrogation_date and not isinstance(abrogation_date, raise TypeError(Msg.invalid_argument.format( arg='decree_date',, got=decree_date.__class__ )) self._files = files self._id = id self._category = category self._doctype = doctype self._federal_level = federal_level self._authority = authority self._authority_url = authority_url self._title = title self._number = number self._abbreviation = abbreviation self._instance = instance self._type = type self._subtype = subtype self._decree_date = decree_date self._enactment_date = enactment_date self._abrogation_date = abrogation_date self._cycle = cycle self._municipality = municipality self._index = None if index is None else int(index) @property def files(self): """list[geolink_formatter.entity.File]: The files contained by the document.""" return self._files @property def id(self): """str: The document identifier.""" return self._id @property def category(self): """str: The document category.""" return self._category @property def doctype(self): """str: The internal type of the document.""" return self._doctype @property def federal_level(self): """str: The federal level of the document.""" return self._federal_level @property def authority(self): """str: The name of the authority responsible for the document.""" return self._authority @property def authority_url(self): """str: The URL of the authority's website.""" return self._authority_url @property def title(self): """str: The document title.""" return self._title @property def number(self): """str: The document number (since v1.1.0).""" return self._number @property def abbreviation(self): """str: The document abbreviation (since v1.1.0).""" return self._abbreviation @property def instance(self): """str: The document's instance.""" return self._instance @property def type(self): """str: The official type of the document.""" return self._type @property def subtype(self): """str: The subtype of the document.""" return self._subtype @property def decree_date(self): """ The date of decree.""" return self._decree_date @property def enactment_date(self): """ The date of enactment.""" return self._enactment_date @property def abrogation_date(self): """ The date of abrogation (since v1.1.0).""" return self._abrogation_date @property def cycle(self): """str: The document cycle (v1.0.0 only).""" return self._cycle @property def municipality(self): """str: The municipality concerned by this document (since v1.2.1).""" return self._municipality @property def index(self): """int: The document's index for sorting (since v1.2.2).""" return self._index
[docs]class File(object): def __init__(self, category=None, href=None, title=None, description=None): """Creates a new file instance. Args: category (str): The file's category. href (str): The URL to access the file. title (str): The file's title. description (str): The file's description. """ self._title = title self._href = href self._category = category self._description = description @property def title(self): """str: The file's title.""" return self._title @property def href(self): """str: The URL to access the file.""" return self._href @property def category(self): """str: The file's category.""" return self._category @property def description(self): """str: The file's description.""" return self._description