The statistics functionality allows you to gather usage information within pyramid_oereb itself. The data gathered will be persisted in user defined configured database, allowing the operator or owner of the application to query at any time the usage statistics for that database.
The database structure necessary to hold the data will automatically be generated upon first usage of the functionality. Once this structure has been generated, you may wish to define in addition standard reporting views, see Standard reporting for more information.
The functionality is configured via the server’s ini file; see the project repository for a complete example of such an ini file. Example of a configuration suitable for usage with Gunicorn:
keys = root, json, gunicorn.error
keys = console, sqlalchemylogger
level = INFO
handlers = console, sqlalchemylogger
qualname = JSON
propagate = 0
class = c2cwsgiutils.sqlalchemylogger.handlers.SQLAlchemyHandler
args = ({'url':'postgresql://postgres:password@oereb-db:5432/oereb_stats','tablename':'logs','tableargs': {'schema':'oereb_logs'}},'healthcheck')
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
propagate = 0
args is a tuple containing two elements:
a dictionary: the db connection information
a string: the blacklist regex
db connection information¶
The db connection information is a dictionary containing:
url (mandatory): a db connection string compatible with sqlalchemy. Currently only sqlite and postgresql are supported. If using Docker, the db connection information has to be supplied in a file named .env at the root of the project (see file sample.env for an example)
tablename (optional): if a special tablename has to be used within the database and will be mapped with __tablename__ sqlalchemy class property
tableargs (optional): another usual sqlalchemy class property (__tableargs__). In the above example we use it mainly to set a particular schema
The default values for the above optional arguments are:
tablename = ‘logs’
tableargs = None (i.e. it will create the table in the public schema of the DB)
The sql logger source code with its documentation can be found here:
This is useful to avoid gathering statistics for non-relevant access logs, such as healthchecks.
The blacklist regex is any string compatible with the python module re. It will be compiled and used to avoid writing in the DB the logs that match the given regex. Please bear in mind that anything within the log that matches the regex will prevent the log to be written. It is therefore discouraged to use regexes based on url path, which could match also user traffic requests, which should be accounted in the statistics instead.
For example if user-agent http header of an healthcheck is set to some particular string (e.g. ‘healthcheck’ like in the above example), then you should at least set ‘healtcheck’ explicitely and the logger will avoid writing any log containing the word healthcheck.
Standard reporting¶
To fulfill the most common needs for statistics reporting, we recommend the usage of database views based on the raw data table. You can create these views using the script create_stats_tables, or by creating the following views in your database manually, and adapting them if needed:
/*GetVersions view*/
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_get_versions;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_get_versions AS
SELECT cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'service' AS service ,
cast(cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->> 'status_code' AS INTEGER) AS status_code,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'output_format' AS output_format,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'request' ->> 'path' AS path
FROM oereb_logs.logs WHERE logger = 'JSON' AND cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->'extras' ->> 'service' = 'GetVersions';
/*GetCapabilities view*/
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_get_capabilities;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_get_capabilities AS
SELECT cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'service' AS service ,
cast(cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->> 'status_code' AS INTEGER) AS status_code,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'output_format' AS output_format,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'request' ->> 'path' AS path
FROM oereb_logs.logs WHERE logger = 'JSON' AND cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->'extras' ->> 'service' = 'GetCapabilities';
/*GetEgridCoord view*/
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_get_egrid_coord;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_get_egrid_coord AS
SELECT cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'service' AS service ,
cast(cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->> 'status_code' AS INTEGER) AS status_code,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'output_format' AS output_format,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'EN' AS en,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'GNSS' AS gnss,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'request' ->> 'path' AS path
FROM oereb_logs.logs WHERE logger = 'JSON' AND cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->'extras' ->> 'service' = 'GetEgridCoord';
/*GetEgridIdent view*/
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_get_egrid_ident;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_get_egrid_ident AS
SELECT cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'service' AS service ,
cast(cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->> 'status_code' AS INTEGER) AS status_code,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'output_format' AS output_format,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'IDENTDN' AS identdn,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'NUMBER' AS number,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'request' ->> 'path' AS path
FROM oereb_logs.logs WHERE logger = 'JSON' AND cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->'extras' ->> 'service' = 'GetEgridIdent';
/*GetEgridAddress view*/
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_get_egrid_address;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_get_egrid_address AS
SELECT cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'service' AS service ,
cast(cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->> 'status_code' AS INTEGER) AS status_code,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'output_format' AS output_format,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'POSTALCODE' AS postalcode,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'LOCALISATION' AS localisation,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> 'NUMBER' AS number,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'request' ->> 'path' AS path
FROM oereb_logs.logs WHERE logger = 'JSON' AND cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->'extras' ->> 'service' = 'GetEgridAddress';
/*GetExtractById view*/
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_get_extract_by_id CASCADE;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_get_extract_by_id AS
SELECT cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'service' AS service ,
cast(cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->> 'status_code' AS INTEGER) AS status_code,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' ->> 'output_format' AS output_format,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> '__flavour__' AS flavour,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> '__egrid__' AS egrid,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> '__identdn__' AS identdn,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' -> 'extras' -> 'params' ->> '__number__' AS number,
cast(msg AS json) -> 'request' ->> 'path' AS path
FROM oereb_logs.logs WHERE logger = 'JSON' AND cast(msg AS json) -> 'response' ->'extras' ->> 'service' = 'GetExtractById';
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS oereb_logs.stats_daily_extract_by_id;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oereb_logs.stats_daily_extract_by_id AS
date_trunc('day', created_at) AS day,
COUNT(1) AS nb_requests,
COUNT(1) FILTER (WHERE output_format = 'pdf') AS format_pdf,
COUNT(1) FILTER (WHERE output_format = 'json') AS format_json,
COUNT(1) FILTER (WHERE output_format = 'xml') AS format_xml
FROM oereb_logs.stats_get_extract_by_id WHERE cast(status_code as INTEGER) = 200
Decorators OerebStats¶
- class pyramid_oereb.contrib.stats.decorators.OerebStats(service=None, output_format=None, params=None)[source]¶
class OerebStats(dict) this class is used to provide a serializable object that can be used to provide insight of application usage in the logs.
- clear() None. Remove all items from D. ¶
- copy() a shallow copy of D ¶
- fromkeys(value=None, /)¶
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
- get(key, default=None, /)¶
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items ¶
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. ¶
If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.
- popitem()¶
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
- setdefault(key, default=None, /)¶
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. ¶
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]