Source code for pyramid_oereb.core.records.extract
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
import uuid
class ExtractRecord(object):
The extract base class.
creation_date (datetime.datetime): The date and time of the extract creation.
electronic_signature (unicode or None): Digital signature for the extract.
concerned_theme (list of pyramid_oereb.core.records.theme.ThemeRecord): List of concerned themes.
not_concerned_theme (list of pyramid_oereb.core.records.theme.ThemeRecord): List of not concerned
theme_without_data (list of pyramid_oereb.core.records.theme.ThemeRecord): List of themes without
extract_identifier (unicode): The extract identifier (UUID).
update_date_os (datetime): Last update of the official survey used as base map in the extract.
general_information (list of dict): General information for the static extract as multilingual
real_estate (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.real_estate.RealEstateRecord): The real estate in its
record representation.
logo_plr_cadastre (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.logo.LogoRecord): Image file of the PLR logo.
federal_logo (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord):Image file of the federal logo.
cantonal_logo (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord): Image file of the cantonal logo.
municipality_logo (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord): Image file of the municipality
plr_cadastre_authority ( The authority which is
responsible for the PLR cadastre.
disclaimer (list of
pyramid_oereb.core.records.disclaimer.DisclaimerRecord or None): Disclaimers for the extract.
glossaries (list of pyramid_oereb.lib.records.glossary.GlossaryRecord): Glossaries for the
creation_date = None
electronic_signature = None
concerned_theme = None
not_concerned_theme = None
theme_without_data = None
extract_identifier = None
def __init__(self, real_estate, logo_plr_cadastre, federal_logo, cantonal_logo, municipality_logo,
plr_cadastre_authority, update_date_os, disclaimers=None, glossaries=None,
concerned_theme=None, not_concerned_theme=None, theme_without_data=None,
general_information=None, qr_code=None, qr_code_ref=None):
real_estate (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.real_estate.RealEstateRecord): The real estate in its
record representation.
logo_plr_cadastre (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.logo.LogoRecord): Image file of the PLR logo.
federal_logo (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord):Image file of the federal logo.
cantonal_logo (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord): Image file of the cantonal logo.
municipality_logo (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord): Image file of the municipality
plr_cadastre_authority ( The authority which is
responsible for the PLR cadastre.
update_date_os (datetime): Last update of the official survey used as base map in the extract.
disclaimer (list of
pyramid_oereb.core.records.disclaimer.DisclaimerRecord or None): Disclaimers for the extract.
glossaries (list of pyramid_oereb.lib.records.glossary.GlossaryRecord): Glossaries for the
concerned_theme (list of pyramid_oereb.lib.records.theme.ThemeRecord or None): Concerned themes.
not_concerned_theme (list of pyramid_oereb.lib.records.theme.ThemeRecord or None): Not concerned
theme_without_data (list of pyramid_oereb.lib.records.theme.ThemeRecord or None): Themes without
general_information (list of dict): General information for the static extract as multilingual
qr_code (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.image.ImageRecord or None): QR code for the extract
as ImageRecord.
qr_code_ref (str or None): The URL to retrieve the QR code.
if not isinstance(update_date_os, datetime):
warnings.warn('Type of "update_date_os" should be "datetime.datetime"')
if general_information and not isinstance(general_information, list):
warnings.warn('Type of "general_information" should be "list"')
self.update_date_os = update_date_os
self.general_information = general_information
self.extract_identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.real_estate = real_estate
if concerned_theme:
self.concerned_theme = concerned_theme
self.concerned_theme = []
if not_concerned_theme:
self.not_concerned_theme = not_concerned_theme
self.not_concerned_theme = []
if theme_without_data:
self.theme_without_data = theme_without_data
self.theme_without_data = []
self.creation_date =
self.logo_plr_cadastre = logo_plr_cadastre
self.federal_logo = federal_logo
self.cantonal_logo = cantonal_logo
self.municipality_logo = municipality_logo
self.plr_cadastre_authority = plr_cadastre_authority
if disclaimers:
self.disclaimers = disclaimers
self.disclaimers = []
if glossaries:
self.glossaries = glossaries
self.glossaries = []
self.qr_code = qr_code
self.qr_code_ref = qr_code_ref