Source code for pyramid_oereb.core.readers.extract

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from operator import attrgetter
from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver

from shapely.geometry import box
from timeit import default_timer as timer

from pyramid_oereb.core.config import Config
from pyramid_oereb.core.records.extract import ExtractRecord
from pyramid_oereb.core.records.image import ImageRecord
from pyramid_oereb.core.records.plr import PlrRecord, EmptyPlrRecord

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ExtractReader(object): """ The class which generates *the extract* as a record (:ref:`api-pyramid_oereb-core-records-extract-extractrecord`). This is the point where all necessary and extract related components are bound together. Attributes: extract (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.extract.ExtractRecord or None): The extract as a record representation. On initialisation this is None. It will be set by calling the read method of the instance. """
[docs] def __init__(self, plr_sources, plr_cadastre_authority): """ Args: plr_sources (list of pyramid_oereb.lib.sources.plr.PlrBaseSource): The list of PLR source instances which the achieved extract should be about. plr_cadastre_authority ( The authority responsible for the PLR cadastre. """ self.extract = None self._plr_sources_ = plr_sources self._plr_cadastre_authority_ = plr_cadastre_authority self.law_status = Config.get_law_status_codes()
@property def plr_cadastre_authority(self): """ Returns: The authority responsible for the PLR cadastre. """ return self._plr_cadastre_authority_
[docs] def read(self, params, real_estate, municipality): """ This method finally creates the extract. Note: If you subclass this class your implementation needs to offer this method in the same signature. Means the parameters must be the same and the return must be a :ref:`api-pyramid_oereb-core-records-extract-extractrecord`. Otherwise the API like way the server works would be broken. Args: params (pyramid_oereb.views.webservice.Parameter): The parameters of the extract request. real_estate (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.real_estate.RealEstateRecord): The real estate for which the report should be generated municipality (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.municipality.MunicipalityRecord): The municipality record. Returns: pyramid_oereb.lib.records.extract.ExtractRecord: The extract record containing all gathered data. """ log.debug("read() start") bbox = Config.get_bbox(real_estate.limit) bbox = box(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]) concerned_themes = list() not_concerned_themes = list() themes_without_data = list() if municipality.published: for plr_source in self._plr_sources_: if not params.skip_topic('code')):, real_estate, bbox) real_estate.public_law_restrictions.extend(plr_source.records) for plr in real_estate.public_law_restrictions: # Filter topics due to topics parameter if not params.skip_topic(plr.theme.code): if isinstance(plr, PlrRecord): if plr.theme.code not in [theme.code for theme in concerned_themes]: concerned_themes.append(plr.theme) elif isinstance(plr, EmptyPlrRecord): if plr.has_data: not_concerned_themes.append(plr.theme) else: themes_without_data.append(plr.theme) else: for plr_source in self._plr_sources_: themes_without_data.append(Config.get_theme_by_code_sub_code('code'))) # sort theme lists concerned_themes.sort(key=attrgetter('extract_index')) not_concerned_themes.sort(key=attrgetter('extract_index')) themes_without_data.sort(key=attrgetter('extract_index')) # sort plr according to theme, sub-theme and law-status start_time = timer() log.debug("sort plrs by theme and law status start") real_estate.public_law_restrictions.sort(key=lambda element: ( self._sort_plr_theme(element), self._sort_plr_law_status(element) )) end_time = timer() log.debug(f"DONE with sort plrs by theme and law status, time spent: {end_time-start_time} seconds") # Load base data form configuration resolver = DottedNameResolver() date_method_string = Config.get('extract').get('base_data').get('methods').get('date') date_method = resolver.resolve(date_method_string) update_date_os = date_method(real_estate) general_information = Config.get_general_information() oereb_logo = Config.get_oereb_logo() confederation_logo = Config.get_conferderation_logo() canton_logo = Config.get_canton_logo() municipality_logo = Config.get_municipality_logo(municipality.fosnr) qr_code_image = ImageRecord(params.qr_code) self.extract = ExtractRecord( real_estate, oereb_logo, confederation_logo, canton_logo, municipality_logo, self.plr_cadastre_authority, update_date_os, concerned_theme=concerned_themes, not_concerned_theme=not_concerned_themes, theme_without_data=themes_without_data, general_information=general_information, qr_code=qr_code_image, qr_code_ref=params.qr_code_ref ) log.debug("read() done") return self.extract
def _sort_plr_law_status(self, plr_element): """ This method generates the sorting key for plr_elements according to their law_status code. The value is generated from the index the plr_element.law_status.code has in the law_status list. The law_status list corresponds to the law status taken from the DB If the argument is not a PlrRecord or its law_status.code is not contained in the law_status list, the method will return the length of the law_status list so it can be sorted at the end of the list. Args: plr_element (PlrRecord or EmptyPlrRecord) a plr record element. Returns: int: Value which can be used to sort the record depending on its law_status.code. """ if (isinstance(plr_element, PlrRecord) and plr_element.law_status.code in self.law_status): return self.law_status.index(plr_element.law_status.code) else: return len(self.law_status) @staticmethod def _sort_plr_theme(plr_element): """ This method generates a sorting key to sort PLRs in to themes and sub-themes. The value is generated using the extract_index given for each theme. Currently it is assumed that the extract_index for a sub-theme is in accord to its theme so that the order will be correct. If the plr_element is not a PlrRecord 10 000 will be returned so that it is added at the end of the list Args: plr_element (PlrRecord or EmptyPlrRecord) a plr record element. Returns: int: Value which can be used to sort the record depending on its theme/sub-theme. """ if (isinstance(plr_element, PlrRecord)): index = plr_element.sub_theme.extract_index \ if (plr_element.sub_theme is not None) \ else plr_element.theme.extract_index return index return 10000