Source code for pyramid_oereb.core.readers.disclaimer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver

[docs] class DisclaimerReader(object): """ The central reader for the disclaimer definitions. It is directly bound to a so called source which is defined by a pythonic dotted string to the class definition of this source. An instance of the passed source will be created on instantiation of this reader class by passing through the parameter kwargs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dotted_source_class_path, **params): """ Args: dotted_source_class_path (str or pyramid_oereb.core.records.disclaimer.DisclaimerRecord): The path to the class which represents the source used by this reader. This class must exist and it must implement basic source behaviour of the :ref:`api-pyramid_oereb-core-sources-disclaimer-disclaimerbasesource`. (kwargs): kwargs, which are necessary as configuration parameter for the above by dotted name defined class. """ source_class = DottedNameResolver().maybe_resolve(dotted_source_class_path) self._source_ = source_class(**params)
[docs] def read(self): """ The read method of this reader. There we invoke the read method of the bound source. Note: If you subclass this class your implementation needs to offer this method in the same signature. Means the parameters must be the same and the return must be a list of :ref:`api-pyramid_oereb-core-records-availability-availabilityrecord`. Otherwise the API like way the server works would be broken. Returns: list of pyramid_oereb.core.records.disclaimer.DisclaimerRecord: The list of found records. Since these are not filtered by any criteria the list simply contains all records delivered by the source. """ self._source_.records.sort(key=lambda el: (getattr(el, 'extract_index') or 0)) return self._source_.records