pyramid_oereb (ÖREB-Server) documentation

pyramid_oereb is an open-source implementation of the server side part for the swiss “Cadastre of Public-law Restrictions on landownership” (PLR-cadastre).

It is written in Python and designed as a plugin for the Pyramid Web Framework. This allows pyramid_oereb to be included in any Pyramid web application.

If you are planning to run an own instance of pyramid_oereb, we suggest to read the sections Installation and Configuration to get started.


The application is separated into different layers to provide different points to hook into it for easier customization.


The server provides access to the 4 services:

  • GetExtractById

  • GetEGRID

  • GetCapabilities

  • GetVersions

The server is able to use several specific external api endpoints to fetch data at runtime (e.g. ÖEREBlex or GeoAdmin API). These need to be configured and prepared by the integrator of this package. Please read the dedicated part of documentation.

For the moment we provide an adapter to get the PDF static extract from mapfishprint.


As mentioned above we used a layer architecture for this project. See following graphic:


Indices and tables