Source code for geolink_formatter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from geolink_formatter.entity import Msg
from geolink_formatter.format import HTML
from geolink_formatter.parser import XML

__version__ = '2.0.1'

[docs]class GeoLinkFormatter(object): def __init__(self, host_url=None, version='1.2.0', dtd_validation=False): """Creates a new GeoLinkFormatter instance. Args: host_url (str): URL of the OEREBlex host to resolve relative URLs. The complete URL until but without the */api* part has to be set, starting with *http://* or *https://*. version (str): The version of the geoLink schema to be used. Defaults to `1.2.0`. dtd_validation (bool): Enable/disable validation of document type definition (DTD). Optional, defaults to False. """ self._host_url = host_url self._version = version self._dtd_validation = dtd_validation
[docs] def html(self, source): """Returns the HTML representation of the geoLink XML form the specified source. Args: source (str or bytes): The geoLink source. Can be a XML string or an URL to load the XML via HTTP/HTTPS request. Returns: str: An HTML formatted string containing the documents as HTML list. Raises: TypeError: Raised on invalid source type. lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Raised on failed validation. requests.HTTPError: Raised on failed HTTP request. """ parser = XML(host_url=self._host_url, version=self._version, dtd_validation=self._dtd_validation) if isinstance(source, (str, bytes)): http = 'http://' if isinstance(source, str) else b'http://' https = 'https://' if isinstance(source, str) else b'https://' if source.startswith(http) or source.startswith(https): return HTML().format(parser.from_url(source)) else: return HTML().format(parser.from_string(source)) else: raise TypeError(Msg.invalid_argument.format( arg='source', expected=(str, bytes), got=source.__class__ ))